I am using Avast Firefox since a few weeks, all looked fine till today.
Starting FireFox today (53.0.2 32-Bit), OS Windows 7, the “key” icon is grey, telling me that the addon is not activated.
If I change to addons I can see that the addon is activated, deactivating and activating it again will not help.
Any ideas what I can do? How can the addon be activated again?
There have no changes made on the system itself.
Thanks a lot, worked in this case.
Did not try that before cause Avast Internet Security tells me “Extension installed” at this point, but clicking Install again did the work!
Thank you
I am having trouble installing Avast Passwords in Firefox. Despite going through all the correct procedures via the Avast menu i.e. “install Firefox” which seems to be installing the app. But it doesnt! Tried many times with the same result. It works OK in Chrome but thats no good for me as I prefer Firefox. I even bought the Premium version in case that made a difference. But no joy. Can anyone help?
If you have Chrome installed on your system you can use following steps (until we provide a fix):
In Avast
Go to settings → passwords
Click on Install for Google Chrome
Chrome gets opened on page with installation button for chrome extension
Copy URL from Chrome address bar
Paste it to Firefox address bar
At the end of URL there is parameter determining browser so change p_pmb=2 to p_pmb=1
And hit enter
Now follow the installation for Firefox
This is if the standard installation does not happen, I had such a problem in firefox. Have written off, that through chrome all it is necessary to do. As it was written earlier just to replace the value in the link and here you will get the result. Correctly tells you Eddie. It helped me the first time
Thank you so much for this Destiny!!!
I activated Avast passwords almost a year ago thinking to myself ‘This will be great, no longer have to remember my passwords, type them in or anything…Avast will handle it and it will be secure’.
However, the password vault activated but the Firefox addon never worked. I could never install it and could not find a solution. Anywhere, ever. Until now.
i just got avast password for windows last week, today i noticed its no longer working, it says its not active yet in addon’s in firefox it shows enabled. plus when you go to avast an click on passwords nothing happens anymore.
how do i fix this
Please double check if you are logged in main UI with same account as you’ve been when it worked for you. Sometimes it may happen that this connection gets lost - repair is one of them and then passwords component searches for passwords storage in different location. We are just know fixing this on passwords side and from new release, this shouldn’t happen again even if you do repair or avast reinstall.
I’ve been using Avast for a very long time, and I’ve never stopped advertising it around me.
Today, after having also given him my passwords, I lose their use in my browser.
I’m outraged!!!
What versions of Firefox and Avast do you have? Can you describe with a little bit more detail how “I lose their use in my browser” happened? Is the Firefox extension not hinting passwords? Does it report an error state? I’d like to help you, but I need more information about what stopped working and when.