I switched all my passwords over to the Avast manager and now when I go to websites that require me to log in, it doesn’t work.
Not only that, when I try to log in using the usual password, even that doesn’t work any more. Why is that?
How do I either:
a) Get Avast Password manager to work correctly
b) Restore it to so all my old passwords work
Thank you in advance.
Since upgrading Avast Passwords to version 2.6.5 from the older version 1.1.4347, Passwords stopped auto-filling using Safari. I found two extensions installed, with Safari still using the old extension: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i658soe6pn52mbg/Screen%20Shot%202019-07-12%20at%2012.27.32%20PM.png?dl=0
I had to delete the old extension, and enable the new one, and everything is working correctly, now.
Is it possible to have the installation of the new extension automatically replace the old one, or a notice to do it manually be provided with the upgrade?
Thank you.