Avast passwords plugin for firefox geting redirected to chrome?

When I try to install the password plugin on Firefox, I am redirected to the chrome web store?


Same here I refreshed my Mozilla Firefox 72.0.1 (64 bit)
I don’t use Chrome and I don’t want to change browser.
What is the deal?

:frowning: >:( >:(

The same problem when installing Avast with Avast Passwords on new pc with Mozilla Firefox 72.0.1 (64 bit).
Please solve this issue.

A temp fix for you all,


your fix results in the following,


yeah but it worked thanks

The redirect to Chrome Web Store related to Firefox 72 is fixed. No other action than re-adding the extension from the Avast Passwords UI is needed. Thanks for your notification!

Hi, i always have the problem :-\
Do you have a solution offer me plz ?

Edit :

I try the solution of @Jeff308.
I tried his method but at the beginning it didn’t work. So I have done several times (about 8 times) the following method: paste the link from @Jeff308, install the extension then close the browser. Go to Avast-> Confidentiality-> Password-> setting-> server integration then click on Add extension. After several tries, I don’t know why but it worked !

Many thanks!

This should help https://youtu.be/Q2MtbvXzkjw

Never seen such a mess !!!
Already said that in the past but here, It is real !!!

Half an hour to get avast password extension working in Firefox developer (79…)
finally worked from the Avast Password UI !
(and with the link provided by @Jeff308 for 2 other Firefox profiles)

Good luck - Don’t give up !

By the way, Forum verification letters are absolutely unreadable !
This is a (GOOGLE) conspiracy ;D

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