Avast Passwords still doesn't recognize Brave -a popular and secure browser

Some time ago I have asked Avast to start recognizing Brave browser on Android.
On Windows it still doesn’t include Brave in Settings-> Browser Integration.

The result is that you see only an empty Settings page if you have just Brave browser installed.

Since Brave is a fork of Chromium you can hack your way through it by doing this:

  1. Install Chrome Browser
  2. Reopen Avast Password’s Settings->Browser Integration. You should see Chrome option visible now.
  3. Click on Add Extension next to Chrome icon. The Avast Passwords extension will open up in Chrome browser.
  4. COPY THE URL of the extension in Chrome.
  5. Open Brave and paste the URL in there.
  6. Install the extension.
  7. Uninstall Chrome again

Unfortunately this means that you were forced to install a browser you didn’t need just to use the browser you do need but until Avast decides it worthy to support this fully compatible browser (which makes practically no work for Avast) this is the only way I know how to solve this.

I have the same issue. Chrome is spyware and Brave browser gives more privacy. Will try your work-around and see what happens…

I have the same problem.

And more so on CryptoTab. But theres probably not a big demand for a solution for this one :))