Hello my name is Nick and i like to make a suggestion. My personal opinion about the 2 avast programs (Passwords and easypass) is that EasyPass is way batter than Passwords as its more user friendly with a good level of security and can get you to Web page and login for you with just 1 click … and i really miss that in Avast Passwords.I could even save Different ID’s and cards and autofill any required fields in forms of websites i visit for the 1st time… I even could keep notices locked and safe from anyone … In Avast passwords so few options for the user. Not user friendly at all. Hard to use and that really disturbs me is that it doesn’t have option Go and fill for Web sites so i must re-type https://bla_bla_bla.com\kjhs7923nm_user_has_freaked_out_bla_bla Manually !! to visit my saved site.So i wonder if all that i said is true or i didnt dig the software much and i didnt noticed them …
Ummm…One thing there is not true for sure, Avast passwords is actually quite easy to use. You can view your password, and copy it to the clipboard, and I all around enjoy it.
and can get you to Web page and login for you with just 1 clickavast Passwords does it too as it auto-fills the login details on a site.