Avast Performance scan... still as useless as 2 years ago

so I’ve decided to try another performance scan…
after how much I’ve bashed grime fighter, I’m amazed it’s still part of avast:

so here’s all of my performance issues:


Dora: Can you tell me what’s slowing down my system? … Great!

yea… whatever… it’s better to resort to something much more informative… aka Comodo (among many other various things)

@Avast devs: if you’re not going to improve something, just tell me…
I’ll be sure to spread the word over 46 other forums I’m on.

EDIT, also, I still have my old images:
Jul 17, 2014:


May 6, 2014:


is GF even trying to stay in the game?
because it sure as heck doesn’t look like it…
nothing’s changed except for even less notification with just as much gimick.



Y U NO DROP GrimeFighter!

You don’t have to install it, do a custom install and uncheck the options in the Tools section that you don’t need or use.

See image example of an earlier custom install.

The avast free version has a very limited sub-set of what is in the full paid version of GF.