I’m going through the test phase of bringing in Avast Server Edition into the domain and I just had an incident where one of my users (who has had Avast installed for about 3 weeks) had an issue starting up Outlook. The message said that there was a conflict with an Avast Plug in and asked if it might be disabled. Saying yes creates a report to be submitted to Microsoft.
I’ve experienced this on 2 other machines but in both those cases Avast was already installed and I had just upgraded an older version of Office to Office Professional 2007 and it occurred during the first time I was launching the Outlook upgrade. After disabling the Plug in
and allowing Outlook to configure I enabled the Plug in. In this recent event Outlook 2007 was already installed on machine from factory. I have not enabled the Plug in and will do so after I learn what the fix is or if it’s absolutely necessary to run it, either way I need to know how to correct before completing my test phase and making my final decision to purchase.