Avast Plugin for The Bat! 2.10.03

Hi @ll,

I have some trouble with the following programs and configurations:

  • Avast! 4.1.396 Professional
  • The Bat! 2.10.03
  • Windows XP Professional, SP1a and all available Service and Fix Packs

The problem

I installed the The Bat! Plugin avbatex.bav and get the significant error message in the options of The Bat! status for external anti virus plugins “Error”. If I try to send a mail with a attachment I found the following entry in the logfile “07.05.2004 08:02:30: x_ScanFile: exception raised!”. What’s wrong? Is there always a Beta status for The Bat! Plugin or is the newest Bat! version not compatible with the actual Avast! Plugin?

Who could help to fix this problem?


how did you install the plugin? please try unisntall and then install it again using Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs → avast! Antivirus → Change…

Thank you for your answer. I think it was an installation problem, because after uninstalling and re-installing it works fine. :o :smiley: