Avast plus What ? do I use to replace Zonealarm functions

I have been using Zonealarm for a few years, don’t like it because it slows down all pc’s I have here, but I have felt compelled to use this as I was not aware of an option.

I have just recently discovered Avast a few days ago, and am impressed and pleased with the product.

My question is though, can I just run Avast and say the Windows Firewall on XP and Vista without running Zonealarm at all ? In other words, will I get as much protection out of combining Avast and the Win Firewall, or, should I be using Avast and something else ?

thanks in advance.

XP has no outbound protection so a third party firewall is advised.

With the Vista firewall, you could also enable the outbound protection of the Vista firewall, but it isn’t very friendly, is rule based and you have to create the rules. - Vista Firewall Control, http://www.sphinx-soft.com/Vista/index.html and this, http://www.sphinx-soft.com/Vista/faq.html. Also check out this topic for some user friendly help for the Vista Firewall, Outbound protection, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=30234.0.

Many forum users are using these:

  • PC Tools Firewall seems to have the least user headaches as it doesn’t seem to be constantly asking the user questions about this and that.
  • Online Armor for the most parts fine but it has caused some users grief after avast program updates and that is something you have to watch out for.
  • Comodo is now a suite and you have to do a custom install so as not to install the antivirus element (or use the add remove programs to remove the AV element if already installed), of all the firewalls listed this seems to be the noisiest in asking questions, depending on settings and elements used (Defense+), so it could be daunting for those not to familiar with firewalls or their systems.
  • Outpost Firewall 2009 free, a cut down version of the Outpost Firewall Pro version, which should still provide good protection, http://free.agnitum.com/. Download, http://www.filehippo.com/download_outpost_firewall/

Windows 7 Firewall Control on Vista! It’s the same as Vista Firewall Control. Also called Windows 7 & Vista Firewall Control.

Online Armor Free on XP!

See my signature below. :wink:

If Online Armor’s HIPS are too much for you, disable them. :wink: And/or use WinPatrol.

If you want a lite HIPS to go with Windows 7 Firewall Control use WinPatrol.

WinPatrol has many useful functions. I recommend it.

Dear Biox,

I too used ZA Pro and Avast Pro for around 3.5 years. Moreover I didn’t know which firewall to replace ZA Pro with as it was the only one I knew.

However, after falling company support, a support forum which offered less and less support combined with a ZA Pro which became slower and used more computer resources, not to mention the increase in program bugs I finally switched firewalls.

PC Tools Plus Firewall is the one I used. This was chosen following the recommendations by experts on this forum. It has been running well on my system for around a week now. Clean install, light on resources, easy-to-follow instructions and very user-friendly.

Heed DavidR’s comments about only using the M$ Window$ Firewall. I agree completely with them.

Hope that helps and good luck with the choice!



Thank you all for taking the time to reply, much appreciated.

This has given me a good few options to look into which I am now doing.


Hi Biox,

Update: I have been running PC Tools Firewall Plus now for around three weeks. It is running fine, uses minimal resources and is very user-friendly.

Personally, I would recommend it! :slight_smile:

Hope that helps!
