Hello there,
in recent times i have had a problem where everytime i go on chrome avast pop up would apear and say that js:proxy-b (trj) was detected and terminated but it pops up every 20 minute or so and its getting annoying. I saw a sloution on this forum on a different post and it had something to do with a unique script ran for unique computer and some logs from some softwares
i have done the steps from this post: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=194892.0
and now im giving my logs to you to work with
hope you can help me with this
have a good day and kind regards from Serbia! ;D
here is it i cant get the screenshot of the pop up itself but here is the notification tab in avast so you can see how often it pops up and in the pop up in advanced tab its always path to chrome.exe
after doing the already mentioned scans i havent been getting that much pop ups lately