AVAST pop-ups

I am wondering if i as a user have any control over the type of pop-ups i receive on my PC? Normally, i would think i’d want to see most of them, but i’m wondering if the ones that continually ask me to update to a more comprehensive version (not free) could be suppressed?


Some of the pop-ups you are seeing are the wrong ones, it’s a known bug.
The pop-up should show a definition(s) update.

As far as outright advertising I have no problems with that. avast uses word-of-mouth
to spread the word. Since avast has employees they have a pay-roll to meet/make.
And the only way avast, or any other company for that matter, to show a profit is by
selling their products. They do that by advertising. I use the free version and if I have to look at an advertisement
every now and then so be it. I don’t know about you but I am bombarded by ads in newspapers,
magazines, billboards and even in the stores I do my shopping.

To control pop-up duration…GUI>Settings>Appearance>scroll down to “pop-ups”>set time limits (note 0= forever the lowest is 2 seconds)
Or use the “silent/gaming” mode which means any and all pop-ups are disabled.
GUI>Settings>General>scroll down to and tick the proper box.
This may or may not fix your issue, most of the time it does, for others it’s still a bug.

Thanks. Short of a facility to suppress the ones i don’t want to see, i’ll suffer with what we’ve got.

There are other settings you can disable to eliminate pop-ups as well… Given the “bug” where ads piggyback on the update notifications (which no one to my knowledge has officially said is not intentional), the following setting seems to help…


Keep in mind Noel that i don’t want to eliminate all pop-ups.


The image/setting given ‘only’ disables the auto update notification popup.

I tried doing all of the above and haven’t seen a difference in pop-ups except more of them. Is there anything else I can try? I don’t mind the pop-ups but it is very annoying and seems to be happening more frequently than ever. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • since these are screwed up auto update notifications, you need to uncheck the ‘Show notification box after automatic update’ (avastUI > Settings > Update - scroll down to details).

These tips popups have in the past been piggybacked with the auto update update notification, so the only way to get rid of them would be to disable the auto update notification, which if you want the update notification (when it works correctly) would remove everything.