Avast Popup Showing Malware For Itunes Setup

Avast started showing a malware win32 gen when I download ItunesSetup.exe from the Apple site, using Opera and Windows 7.

itunes runs fine, but the cab MSI file for Itunes is also noted by Avast as having a malware in it for itunes.exe and ItunesHelper.exe

This has never happened before, my Avast is totally updated, both definitions and program.

Anyone else seeing this?? None of my other virus programs show this.

send us (virus@avast.com) the file to analyze, please. Put “False positive” to subject.


Both 64 bit and 32 bit setup files are being sent, each about 70 mb apiece. Avast detects Itunes.exe and ItunesHelper.exe as infected within the setup files

The files are too big to send, and Avast also stops me from sending it because it has what it sees as a malware inside

What next??