Avast Port Forwarding

Hi there. I use free version and windows firewall (block all connections). Need rule for avast. How Can I Create it.
Specify the exact ports and the update program, please.

Aren’t you asked when a program needs access ??? Once you allow or deny, it creates it’s own rules.

That would rather depend on what Windows OS version being used, earlier versions of the windows firewall didn’t have any outbound protection or if it did, the user had to create the rule manually.

I meant the exact name of the executable file through which the update is going (for example *. exe) and the ports on which it downloads them. It is desirable exactly, not the range.

If you want avast to work as it should, allow all avast connections/files

There are several avast files that require access to the internet in regards to updates, instup.exe (not sure if this one is still in use), ashUpd.exe, asulaunch.exe, AvEmUpdate.exe are some that come to mind. The avastUI.exe may also require internet connection, though not directly related to updates.

I’m not sure if you are after ports or IPs they connect to, I don’t know about ports they might use, but if you are after IPs there are many IPs that are used in updates and they also change, so there isn’t a fixed number.

You could try the tool mentioned by Pondus here: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=211520.0