Avast Premier Query


I use to be a subscriber of Avast Premier and was wanting to use it again but I have one query.

I had a discount sent me by email about a few weeks ago, but deleted the email by accident, could that email be re-sent please?


Since that was a automated email, it can’t be send again.
Besides that, the offers are only valid a couple of days.

Have you already looked at https://my.avast.com ?
It could be there is a offer too.

If not, look at the avast affiliates.
One of them may have a discount offer or something that you like.

Where do I need to go to to get the avast affiliates discount offer?

There is no such thing.
I said that a avast affiliate may have a discount offer.

OK, I’ll renew as I got my old license it says 3 PC = £45 instead of £60 so that’s not bad I surpose. :smiley:

I’m a cheap skate trying to get a discount somewhere… LOL