Avast Premier unstable

Every 5-10 minutes, I get the message that something went wrong and that Avast is down. I have tried clean re-installs and repairs multiple times, but nothing works.
It’s a fresh Windows 10 installation and before that, I had Win 7 and it worked just fine then.

I’m having the same issue. I had it installed on a surface pro with windows 10. I just got a surface book 2 and installed it. it keeps giving me that same message and sometimes that the “UI failed to load”.

I’d love to see this issue resolved asap. I’ve been using avast for years without issues. still have a full year on my license.


Unfortunately, that does not seem to help my problem.

Correction, after a full uninstall with the uninstall utility and a reinstall, it now seems to be working.

Thanks for the feedback.

@Asyn Your solution worked, but now I seem to have a new problem. Upon startup, the system tray icon is missing (which I assume means that Avast isn’t running?) and when I try to manually start it up, it asks for administrator permission.

Tried repair and reboot? https://support.avast.com/en-eu/article/Repair-Antivirus

No luck.

I too having UI Failed to Load. Have been using Avast on several desk top, lap top and tablets, for years.
I’ve just re-installed windows today on one of the laptops and now have this Avast problem - worked fine before. (still working fine on all other computers).
I have performed all the suggestions posted on this topic and still not working correctly.
It runs showing ‘You’re protected’ for several mins then drops out to unprotected, clicking the avast restart button brings it back on, then fails again minutes later.
Anyone got any other ideas ???
Please AVAST sort this out.

If Repair doesn’t fix the problem, try the following:
Clean Install of Avast:
If you need additional help with the Clean Install, watch this: