Avast Premier is not very compatible with Windows 10! I always have to close out the window when my morning scan finishes. It is a huge pain!! The “always open window when scan completes” is not checked. I tried it checked and it still brought up the window. Now, it is back to being unchecked again.
ich konnte bis jetzt keine Probleme feststellen.
Please post English here, else use the forum section for your language.
→ https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=24.0
English here please or post in the German language forum:
I also have no problems in Windows 10 but, I don’t run daily scans.
So, Avast is no longer opening the window when Scan Completes. This started this morning. Now, it doesn’t say “Scan Complete” or anything! It just closes the notification and you know that it is done, if you are watching it. I have all sounds checked, along with voiceovers. It used to speak and then it stopped.
It hasn’t announced Virus Data Base Updates in over a year. Too many to announce them.
So, after a Windows Update yesterday…Avast actually started speaking again…The only problem that I came back to face again is that the window pops back up when the morning scan is complete, that is along with the popup notification and the voiceover…I hope that it gets fixed soon!!
i can not open it at all. i get notification saying it can not run on this version of windows.
Any advise please. :-\
i can not open it at all. i get notification saying it can not run on this version of windows.
Any advise please. :-\
What version of Premier are you using on Windows 10 ???
I upgraded to Windows 10 this weekend. Avast first indicated that the firewall would not start and that there was an upgrade. Ran the upgrade for the program and the databases. I tried turning the Windows Firewall off and then start Avast Firewall but it still will not start. Any suggestions??
Also, the browser in SafeZone continually crashes every time I try to use it. It started when I upgraded Firefox. I have uninstalled the Firefox and cleaned everything out but the browser still crashes. Windows 10 did not resolve that issue, it is still ongoing.
Repair Avast:
- Control Panel → Add/Remove programs → Avast
- Click on ‘Repair’.
- Follow instructions.
- Reboot.
I sent my problems into Microsoft/Windows 10 Team, whoever is behind the Windows Feedback App. Hopefully, someone - either Avast or The Windows 10 Team/Microsoft can fix the problems. For now, I suppose I am stuck with no announcement and the popup window.
I sent my problems into Microsoft/Windows 10 Team, whoever is behind the Windows Feedback App. Hopefully, someone - either Avast or The Windows 10 Team/Microsoft can fix the problems. For now, I suppose I am stuck with no announcement and the popup window.
Why are you running Daily scans ???
There is no announcement to let you know that the virus data base has been updated.
That voice notification has been gone for a long time.
I run Daily Scans because I take my Privacy and Security very seriously. What I meant by announcement was the voice notification. And if the voice notification has been gone for a long time, why has all the computers that I put Avast on had voice notification?! I have not had an Avast Setup that has never had the sounds/voiceover options in the settings. My parents’ laptop has voiceover and it works just fine, yet it has Windows 7.
I run Daily Scans because I take my Privacy and Security very seriously. What I meant by announcement was the voice notification. And if the voice notification has been gone for a long time, why has all the computers that I put Avast on had voice notification?! I have not had an Avast Setup that has never had the sounds/voiceover options in the settings. My parents’ laptop has voiceover and it works just fine, yet it has Windows 7.
Voice over announcing VPS updates has not been in effect since the first release of Avast 2015.
I don’t know what version your parents are using.
Daily scans don’t make you safer. Once all the files on your system have been scanned, and your system is clean,
you can rely on the other parts of Avast that scan anything new or changed to keep you safe.
It’s your computer and your time so the final decision is still yours. If you’re on the internet, you really no longer have any privacy.
The only voice-over that I still hear is the “Welcome to Avast” announcement after a clean or new install of Avast.