Which version/build of Avast Premium…?
20.10.2442 (build 20.10.5824.626)
OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)
MS Windows 10 Home, Version 10.0.19041 Build 19041
x64-based PC
Other security related software installed…?
Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?
We’ve used Avast Premium Security for a couple of years with any problem. The current issue only began when she moved to Windows 10 and Office 2019 on a new Dell XPS last week
I’ve removed and reinstalled the product now multiple times.
If AV is not installed, OUTLOOK works fine.
If AV is installed and Mail Shield is enabled, I get encryption errors when trying to send/receive email.
If AV is installed and Mail Shield is disabled, Outlook works fine.
If AV is installed, Mail Shield is enabled, and I untick scanning inbound and outbound emails, I get encryption errors when trying to send/receive email.
I haven’t tried having Mail Shield enabled and going through unticking all the other Mail Shield options one-by-one yet.
I used the “settings” method outlined within the url you provided to submit a log file. No ticket number was ever created during that process, and I’ve received no response from AVAST indicating they have received the information I provided.
There was a FILE ID indicated, but no ticket number.
I’m very sorry for the troubles with the Mailshield.
I wasn’t able to reproduce your issue and unfortunately, provided logs do not contain debug records.
Could you please enable debug logging (Menu > Settings > General > Troubleshooting > Enable debug logging), reproduce your issue (sync problems in outlook when mail shield is running).
Create a support package (https://support.avast.com/en-eu/article/Submit-support-file) and post the ID here.
I did receive an email from Miroslav Jenšík with the Avast Support Team who inquired about a ticket number. I replied that all I had was the File ID and File Name reference below, and that I had submitted that information under your direction via this forum.