AVAST Premium Security dramatically slowing down Galaxy S8 +

Hi All,

I thought I’d give AVAST a try after not using it for a while. I purchased the Premium Security for multiple devices and installed onto my Surface Pro and on my Galaxy S8+. I installed the PS onto my mobile device and almost immediately I noticed a severe slow down in processing speed. After a couple of days of dealing with this, I decided the best option was to uninstall the Avast product.

After restarting my mobile device a few times, I noticed that it still was very slow at responding to any request. I uninstalled over 20 other apps that I thought would help speed up the processing power but to no avail.

Yesterday, it came to a head when the device slowed so far down that it actually stopped working for about an hour. I was able to shut it down and leave it alone. When I restarted it, it started working again but still very slow.

I spoke with “Jay” in your support department today who suggested that I go to “Device Maintenance” under the Settings menu but the device only shows “Device Care”. After going back and forth with him to explain that I REALLY only have that option and that there isn’t a “Device Maintenance” option or a “Performance Mode” under "Device Care, he concluded that either Samsung or T-Mobile was restricting access to that part of the menu.

I am waiting to hear back from T-Mo now but in the meantime, this still doesn’t address if I can utilize Avast Premium Security on my mobile device.

Have you had any other issues similar to mine that has caused other devices to slow down dramatically?

