Hello everyone,
I was using composer v. **2.7.8 without any issues until 18.08.2024.
After Avast premium Security was updated I am unable to run any composer command.
Composer itself can be run i see available commands, however, when I use composer update or composer status or compose diagnose I end up in the errors.
As soon as I uninstall Avast all works fine. I was trying to enable exceptions in Avast according their help ’Jak vyloučit soubory či weby z testů v aplikaci Avast Antivirus | Avast for composer installed at C:\Users<user>\AppData\Local\Composer**
Does someone have the same issue work with composer on win11 with Avast premium security installed? Can someone advice what exceptions need to be made so composer works fine again on w11? Avast support seems to be lame to provide some helpful information for more than 2 months.
If I use Win defender only no such issue appear.
It is not very comfortable to uninstall and install antivirus whenever I need to use composer to update Drupal 10 websites.