avast pricing

ok i went ot avast website and for one year 1 computer it was 30.00 but then on my pc using avast now i did some cleanup and up pops a message to upgrade for 20.00 fo 1 year. my guess this will be for 1 machine. anyway can anyone tell me if that price is just for 1 year or will avast bill me from now on 20.00 for continuing to use the program year after year? just wondering if this is just a 1 year teaser rate? thanks

boy the captcha is hard to see went thru 15 before i got one that is just about visible.

When making the purchase, look out for the continuing protection/automatic renewal option and ensure that you don’t have it enabled it is by default (if my memory is correct).

You don’t mention what avast version that you have and which is to be upgraded ?

I say this because you mentioned “now i did some cleanup and up pops a message to upgrade for 20.00” I wonder if this relates to the Avast Cleanup product. If so I would suggest that you take a bit of time and brows the Avast Cleanup sub-forum https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=63.0 and see if this is what you are looking for.

As far as I’m aware it will be for one year and 1 pc. However when/if you accept the

Unfortunately the captcha has to be hard to stop spammers/spambots.
Fortunately it is only for your first

thanks. the captcha needs to be hard but no so you can’t see it. it took more that 20 tries before one came up that was dark enough that i could see it. the colors are so faded it is next to impossible to read.

i have program
version 18.5.2342 build 18.3.3931.0 and i clicked on the update and it came up for the avast internet security they sadi best deal. so is that the same as the free version i now have but with all the items in the free menu then activated? i have in the menu. status protection privacy performance. so is this deal for the complete package? and again up come that captcha that i can not see. on my pc it is blue on blue. wtf how can anyone see it. i understand having it but come on make the color at lease contrasting enough so you can see them. i have to copy this into the clipboard just in case i lose it as some site when you get it wrong make you start over. dumb.

also i don’t see a place to subscribe?

I’m an avast user just like yourself, nothing I can do about the captcha other than tell you it is only for the first 3 posts.

I get many offers/options for AIS, I have been using avast free for over 14 years and it has served me well.

You have to look at exactly what it offers and do you actually need them, e.g. you may well have other programs, functions that cover those areas. Whilst the offer probably represents a good deal, but if you are also have the continuing protection/automatic renewal option enabled on your next renewal date the payment will be processed at the price of the day.

If you don’t use the continuing protection/automatic renewal option, you may well be able to take advantage of any offers you may see.

There are some entries in the protection, privacy, performance, that aren’t included they are premium products. Unfortunately this isn’t particularly clear until you try to use them. Those that come to mind are Real Site (a VPN feature), AntiTrack ‘Premium’, Driver Updater. You would really need to check the details on the https://www.avast.com/compare-antivirus link.

I’m not sure what you mean by " i don’t see a place to subscribe ?"
When you got the offer, there should have a link. If you try to subscribe outside of that offer link (Upgrade button, in the avastUI), it is likely that wouldn’t have any offer discount. As I have said, I have been using avast free for over 14 years, so I’m totally unfamiliar with the upgrade/offer side of things.

thanks david. i have avast and windows defender and spybot and adware. but sometimes i think that may be overkill. and yearago before i started using chromebooks having multiple antivirus programs interfere with each of them. now they seem to be running together but then maybe not. the avast payment is for the internet security part of there complete package. it says it will give me 7 more levels of protection than the free program.

the subscribe is for this forum. most forums have a subscribe box so when people add to the thread you get a notice, that way you can go back and see the message and or reply.

this will be my 3rd post so after this one i will see if i get that captcha again. like i say i don’t mind them but have to see them. thanks much.


You’re welcome.

Spybot and adaware (I think you meant that) don’t bring much to the party and windows OS (depending on version ?) should disable it when you install a 3rd party antivirus.

You really need to check out the comparison link that I gave as only you know your requirements/needs are.

You can modify some of the settings of your Forum Profile - Notifications (image1). I thought the default settings should send a notification for a reply to a topic that you created or contributed to. There is also a Notify button at the bottom of forum topic pages (image2)