Am I posting this incorrectly? I can seem to get any response from the pros. Please help.
I installed avast Pro 5.0.594 on my computer running XP Pro with service pack 3. Everything seems to be working great however I do have one question.
Under: Real-Time Shields > Process Virtualization > Expert Settings > Parameters > Web Browsers.
The default setting is:
“All Settings” Un-Checked
“Bookmarks” Checked
“History” Checked
“Cookies” Checked
From reading the text in this section and the related help file, if I want Bookmarks, History and Cookies to be Virtualized I should Un-Check them (please correct me if I got that wrong). When I Un-Check them they stay unchecked until I reboot or turn off then on my computer. After the reboot they change to:
“All Settings” Checked
“Bookmarks” Checked
“History” Checked
“Cookies” Checked
Bookmarks, History and Cookies are grayed due to “All Settings” being checked.
Is this normal behavior or a bug? Or am I misunderstanding how this section works.
It should be noted that if I leave any one of the three (Bookmarks, History or Cookies) Checked, then all settings in this section stay. It is only if I un-check all three (Bookmarks, History and Cookies) that the settings change.
I’m thinking it is either a bug or I’m not understanding the functionality in this section.
Can someone please try this on there computer and verify if it is just me or everyone? Or if this exact question has already been answered in another thread could someone point me to it?