Avast Pro 6! webshield Blocking Http traffic

I’ve read through a few different posts and forums but none resolved the issue. Here it is:

Brand new HP out of box desktop
Windows 7 Pro 64bit SP1

Install Avast Pro 6! and all http traffic is blocked. Disable the webshield; immediately re-open the browser [IE9] all is well. Re-enable webshield and re-open browser; same issue. I have done the following:

  1. Completely uninstalled rebooted, and reinstalled Avast
  2. Added Avast to Exceptions on Firewall
  3. Verified no other anti-virus software is on the pc.
  4. Verified no other firewall, etc is in place other than default windows.
  5. Updated Avast to 6.0.1 and the latest Engines and Virus Definitions.
  6. Ensured Windows Updates were completed.

Any other suggestions/recommendations?

It is Avast Pro? Not free?
Just to make sure.