avast pro and mwab pro

new to this forulm so hello all and happy christmas

I am running avast pro and malwarebytes pro with the ip protection option switched at the same time but I have began to see a decline in in my pc’s running speed , are these systems compatible


:slight_smile: Hi :

Never heard of “mwab pro” ; IF it is supposed to be an antiVIRUS program,
then you should uninstall it since security Principles say ONLY 1 antiVIRUS
program should be providing real-time protection at any moment in time .

If you see my signatur, i am, running Avast, MBAM pro and SAS pro (only auto update on sas) No problem

My you should do some house cleaning with CCleaner http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/
and http://filehippo.com/download_defraggler/

Hi pmal67. Merry Christmas.
What sensitivity levels do you have the providers set to, and what version is it? (4.8 or 5B)?

Welcome pmal67

I am running avast! MBAM Pro without a problem.

What are your system specifications as to CPU type and speed and how much RAM does the system have?

I am using sensitivity level Normal on everthing and I have c cleaner set to guttman level

thanks paul

just to add avast and malware are both running on auto update

Using Guttman with CCleaner is a waste of time unless you are afraid of having illegal material on your system like kiddy pr0n and being discovered.

hello your dealing with a thick Irishman here haha .what gives with c cleaner and the guttman level does that not mean that the system is really ’ CLEAN ’


gutmann doesn’t make your system cleaner. System is clean as soon as unwanted data is just marked as deleted and Windows can’t access it anymore. 35 x pass with CCleaner is just there to prevent the cops or your parents from recovering “sensitive” data that you “deleted” ;D …again, nothing to do with a “cleaner” system :smiley:

I hope you have your Irish shilelagh with you?

PC slowdowns over time are often the result of having too many programs running at start up. A lot of programs are configured to do this. Where you don’t actually need something to run every time you turn the computer on, it should be configured to not start with Windows.
This does not apply to security programs, it is important that they do start with Windows.
How long since you’ve done a disk defrag?
If you look in control panel>system, what are your system specs (RAM and CPU, and Windows version/SP?)
If you right-click each drive present and select “properties”, what is the percentage of disk space used?

I am using tune up utilities also and at the start everything was ok but now everything is slowing down its a real pain in the IRISH ‘’‘’ if you understand my meaning . one thing I have noticed is cpu usage in idle moDe accelerates very quickly when i do nothing !!! i have used ctrl alt suppr ( del ) and it seems that their are lot of progs running that mybe I don’t need

any ideas

happy christmas


It is normal for “system idle process” to be in the high nineties in task manager, when not much else is happening, if that’s what you mean.
And the answers to the other questions, please?