Avast pro blocking access to www.digikey.com

Im using Avast pro
virus definitions 150511-1

Avast started blocking www.digikey.com for no reason
I can ping using command prompt but chrome gives a timed out error

added to the exclusions list in the web shield still no luck

only work when I turned off Avast

anybody knows a work around to this?


You can report a possible FP here: https://www.avast.com/contact-us.php?subject=VIRUS-FILE

I can access the website without any problem. Can you paste a printscreen of Avast message, please?

Im not getting any messages from Avast,
Following is happening
when I try to access www.digikey.com

with Avast ON


with Avast OFF


What happens if you try to access the website with another browser ?

IE gives the same error

but if i use the Tor browser it loads the site with Avast ON

Try restarting Avast service (or your computer, might be easier). Sometimes Avast remembers that this was blocked, so it cuts connection without complaining to the user - this is intended.

I tried restarting few times with and without avast disabled,
still got the same results.

found something but may not be the correct answer,
there is a “secure DNS” option enabled in the Active protection if I disable this,
Avast doesn’t block the site.

so is it something to do with Avast DNS?

but i have set my DNS to google DNS (8,8,8,8 8,8,4,4) in my connections

Does Avast overwrite my default DNS?

Yes, that is precisely the role of Secure DNS.

“… Avast SecureDNS provides an encrypted connection between your web browser and Avast’s own DNS server…”
(from here: https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB44#idt_409)

I have no idea why using a different DNS server would provide different results, and if I can access the domain (using SecureDNS, therefore Avast’s DNS as well)…

The issue has gone away now,
Don’t know what really caused the issue,

Thank you all for quick help!!!

Must have been one of those Computer Gremlins ??? :slight_smile:
