Avast Pro detects our compiled software as Virus. >:(

Im recommending Avast here at work.
And pushing for us to buy 25 licenses when our AVG license runs out soon.

In our testing with the Trail PRO edition we had some problems though.
We compile files here at work, mostly Firmware and Bios for different hardware.

Our developer compiles a file, the file is detected as infected and there isent much to do about it.

I have no clew how to avoid this.
We already exluded the folder where all these files are.
But moving them to other parts of the computer will activate avast and stop the execution of the file.

is there ANY way to get around this problem, Cant we just have an Ignorer option or something ?
manual override or ??? :frowning:

Regards a huge fan of Avast and a strong advocate for your software :slight_smile:

Regards Nosfer@tu


Recently Avast detected a freeware BatToExe compiler as infected and also the compiled exe files it produced.

I emailed a passworded zip file containg both the compiler and an example of a compiled exe file and Avast promply fixed my FP problem.

My regards and good luck

I just cant find any info on to where I need to take contact about this probelm :frowning: ?

More info what you can do, in this post from DavidR


Thx guys :smiley:

I will report back when I get an answer :smiley:

Validated that it is only avast that detects this via the on-line submission :slight_smile:

Hi again,

Avast didn’t reply to my email; they just fixed the problem so when I checked again after two or three days everything was clear.

We’ll look forward to your report.

My regards

This is the default behavior of avast team.