Avast Pro Mail Shield not showing scan stats

Hi folks

Running Win 2k SP4(yeah, I should upgrade, I know, I know…) with Avast Pro 6.0.1203 installed 2 days ago, and Outlook 2003 (which has run fine for years alongside a program called Softalk Share Server, which allows a second machine to share the email system).

Problem: Under the Mail Shield tab, the stats always show zero scanned emails. There are no SSL mail accounts.

Is it possible that Avast isn’t scanning emails, or is it simply misreporting? How can I tell?

I’ve also noticed that if I open any of the scanner tabs and click “Stop”, it doesn’t stop anything.

I’m not all that “techy” but will gladly furnish any further info you need.

Many thanks!

Don’t worry about a thing… just make sure that everything on real-time shield is on,
or you could just klick show details when you start avast to see if Real-time shield is : ON
if real-time shield is on your mail shield is on too :slight_smile:

Make sure that both options are checked in the mail shield tab :slight_smile: ( Avast > Real-time shield > Mail Shield)

If the problem is still there you could always reset it back to the factory settings
(avast > Settings > Troubbleshooting > Factory settings tab)

Many thanks for the advice.
I looked and both options were already checked.
I reset to factory values to see if it made a difference but it didn’t, still can’t “stop” any of the shields and Mail Shield still reports no emails scanned.

I wonder maybe if Avast isn’t happy on Win 2k after all…
