avast! Pro pricing

Hi, I go to avast! Official Online Store by ALWIL Software, check for avast! 4 Professional Edition, 1 year Delivery electronic Qty 1, the pricing is below :


meaning that you are using exchange rate of 4.46 :o
Our currency never hit such low :-\ (currently the rate is around 3.5)

Please help to clarify, thanks.

If your credit card provider will give you a better exchange rate and lower service charge, just pay in USD, EURO, or whatever is best for you.

Don’t forget to order from within avast! Home to get a 20% discount.

Do you mind to elaborate further … :slight_smile:

nvm, i figured out redi. Thanks Vladimyr.

Glad you found it.

The 20% discount dont work. When the page link to element 5 esales the message like this appeared : The coupon code you entered is invalid. If you have questions about this, please contact the publisher. The price is still USD39.95.

Hmm ???
Looks like a discount only applies if you don’t pay in USD.

Examples from the Element5 avast! Pro purchase page:
MYR 178.05
EUR 35.95
USD 39.95
AUD 69.15

Now, if I go from within avast! Home
AUD 59.90

But it’s only 13% less, not 20% :cry:

Avast has removed the 20% discount web page and replaced with a new one. :slight_smile:

But it still not amending MYR exchange rate. 27% upcharge if I use MYR ???