I updated pro 10.4.2233 to 11.1.2245 and now a forum I use will not load correctly on Firefox or IE.#
I shut down Avast Pro and all ok,
Windows 7 x64.
Can you give more detail on the “will not load correctly” comment, or a screenshot ?
Rather than shutdown avast Pro completely that leaves you completely unprotected, try disabling HTTPS scanning in the Web Shield Settings (customize). Stop and restart the Web shield to ensure the setting sticks. Now try to connect.
If the above doesn’t work, try disabling the web shield for 10 minutes and see if that works.
What is the URL that you are trying to connect to ?
Change the URL so that it isn’t active just give the domain name without the http:// www part, e.g. domain-name.com
Thanks for the advice, I will try the suggestions, at present I have reverted back to the earlier version and all works.
The site “photography-forum.org” is the troublesome one. The site fails to format, typically it is very jumbled, with headers missing etc. Sorry not to be more specific, not that technical.
Updated version again, headers were corrupted but main body of posts were ok this time…
Switched off HTTPS as suggested, main body of forum loaded correctly with headers.
So at least the problem is narrowed down I assume.
I have just been there and it appears to be working with no apparent missing images and or layout.
This is with the https and webshield enabled, on firefox 43.0.1, avast free 11.1.2245 on this XP Pro SP3 system.
I’m at a bit of a loss as to why the difference in two systems, do you get this on any other https sites ?
Not found any sites yet. I am on the Pro Version though, maybe thats slightly different.
Is there an easy way to go back to the earlier version rather than do a System Restore?
BTW, I still have a lesser problem I have found with HTTPS disabled.
Many thanks for your help.
Was on Firefox 42, will update to 43.0.1
You’re welcome.
The actions of the Web Shield and the HTTPS scanning should be the same across all versions. The only real difference would be in the OS used. In XP (my OS) how avast achieves the https scanning is different as the OS doesn’t have the APIs used by avast of later OSes. This may possibly account for some differences in my results.
The browser version shouldn’t be an issue as that be related to having the AOS add-on or not (signed or not), rather than how the web shield integrates with the browser.
The strange thing really is why only on this site and why even with https scanning disabled you still have a lessor issue.