Avast Pro: schedule local disk scan from command line?

Hi all,

We have many clients using avast and in the offices we use ADNM to centrally manage all the workstations (such as scheduling weekly scans of disks). Some clients have remote users who are NOT connected to their central office LAN (and therefore not connected to ADNM).

I would like to schedule the “Scan: local disks” task in avast! to run weekly. Can I do this from the command line? Is there a way to add a Task to the Scheduler from the command line? Or is there an INI or XML file I can insert lines into to create the scheduled task?

We have management software on all the remote machines so we can execute commands on them but I could not find what to run.

If not, we will have to use the management software to execute ashcmd.exe weekly with the correct options.

I see you can initiate updates and even update licences from the command line so I thought scheduling a task might be possible.


Edited ::slight_smile:

I don’t think there’s any command-line interface for the scheduler.