I’ve installed Avast Pro under Windows XP using Internet Explorer. Avast seems to be blocking parts of web pages and java scripts. I cannot, for example, post to Blogger.
avast does not block as it is not a firewall, just an antivirus.
Which is your firewall? Which is your browser? Any browser addons?
I’m not running a firewall. Just Internet Explorer under Windows XP. All I know is that the moment Avast was up, portions of websites that run from Java, including posting to Blogger, were suddenly gone and non operative.
I take that back. Windows is running a firewall, but taking it down seems to have no effect.
Are you running XP SP3?
Are you running IE8?
What is the URL of the Blogger?
Post it as wXw.exampleblog.com to prevent inadvertant access.
No need to take down Windows firewall.
I am running Windows XP2 with IE 8.
The blog is wxw.curmudgeons.blogspot.com/
The buttons that allow one to post or save are not displaying the keyboard shortcuts with ctrl do not work.
I suspect this has nothing to do with Avast…
But you are inconsistent. Java and Javascript are totally different things. Despite similar names they are as different as chalk and cheese.
Javascript is a scripting language and widely used in webpages for various purposes. Javascript processing is done directly by your browser.
Java is a compiled programming language from Sun. Java applets are used in some web pages but those are relatively few. It requires the Sun Java application installed on your computer which your browser accesses via a plugin.
There is no such thing as ‘Java script’ since Java is NOT a scripting language.
Do you mean Windows Service Pack 2?
Windows Service Pack 3 has been available for over a year that provides several Critical Security updates and performance improvements so should be applied in IE by going to Tools then Windows Update then downloading and installing all updates.
You should go to Control Panel then Automatic Updates then select Automatic (recommended) or at least Notify me but don’t automatically download or install them.
You should install User Profile Hive Cleanup Service to help with slow log off and unreconciled profile problems:
Run Secunia Online Software Inspector to see what other applications are vulnerable to infection:
Does hpHosts blog work?
The Windows Update screen returns a blank screen, which may be related to the overall problem.
The blog you mention is one I can read, but since it is not mine I do not know if the post buttons and function works for me or not.
One place you could try to see the nature of my problem is the following:
There is a signin box in which one is asked for one’s email address and a password. In my screen, that box is empty and it is impossible to sign in.
I’ve had similer problems in blogger and a few other areas where data is entered and updated.
I hope this helps.
I have seen other complaints about Avast blocking or not being able to handle javascripts (Sorry about the mixup, btw). The problem did occur when I installed Avast 4.8 Pro and uninstalled Norton, which was my previous virus protection system.
Javascripts are enabled, by the way, in my browser.
What I need to know is how to configure Avast to allow javascripts to run on web pages. I’ve given you an example of how this is not working on a couple of web pages. I can give you more if needed.
This matter is critical because the problem is preventing me from earning my livelihood.
Thank you in advance.