I will be using remote assistance later today to help fix a Vista problem.Is there a setting in Avast Pro that I should change or should it be left at default?I’m just checking to be sure that’s all.Thanks.
i don’t think that you have to change anything - usualy it should work without any problems…
Thanks for this.Have a great one.
It depends on a) what version of avast it is, 4.8 with self protection and )b what it is that you are likely to be doing, edit avast4.ini, etc.
So if it is 4.8 and you are likely to be rummaging around in avast you ‘might’ need to disable self-defence.
You don’t say what the Vista problem is, if it is related to avast in any way so we can’t be very specific.
Actually it has to do with my event viewer and task scheduler.Avast is fine,those that are mentioned isn’t working properly.It is 4.8 but not the beta.Would you still reccomend what you mentioned above?
I recommend installing the latest beta.
Download the updater (http://files.avast.com/files/beta/aswbeta.exe) and run it or go here for more information.