Well I ran the full scan of my computer, when I came back after 2 hrs the Avast Icon was showing system not secures “fix now” when I press the button it say “Avast is in a inconsistent state to restart the program” but when I restart the computer still the same. I also noticed that the scan is still running even after I restarted the computer it sits @ 99% and you can’t stop it or pause it looks like it was scanning a Windows file “wins.sxs.90.u.dll”. I ran the Avast fix from add/remove programs but no luck I have Win 7 and avast Pro I believe version 5, any help is appreciated as I don’t know what to do at this point.
Are you sure you’re still using version 5?
Download and install the newer version 6.0.1367 here
and then report back if the problem is still.
Same issue. Full Boot scan last night and now it (Avast) wont start.
ver 6.0.1367
services shows the firewall running but antivirus not. try starting service manually and it says it stops again with windows saying “sometimes services stop when they have nothing to do”
have you tried avast repair and reboot ?
For a repair of avast. Windows, Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button from the pop-up window, scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.
repair didnt work. here is what did:
download manual defs → http://www.avast.com/download-update
Comes as an executable you just run.
once finished, open up GUI and click “Fix now”
seriously easy. best AV soft on the market!
Tried but still the same system not secured but the scan has stopped as it was running all the time. Will try
to uninstall and reinstall maybe this will help.
I meet the same problem. My Avast stopped working yesterday. It says “non securisé” (in french in th text…), for “non secure” and if I click on the “restore” nothing happens except that the task manager shows that avast is now using 50+% of the UC… but the program is still considered non working and the computer not protected. I try to download the last version as advised on the forum, but it changed nothing. As a further problem, the Avast site doesn’t recognised anymore my email address and I can’t retrieve my password to contact the technical support!! Are we experiencing the firts step of an alien invasion?
Any help would be appreciated!
@ FunkyKowal,
I think an uninstall and reinstall is a good idea for you at this point. Let us know how this goes.
@ graou,
I can’t retrieve my password
Once this happens, you need to do an uninstall and reinstall of Avast by using the Avast Uninstaller Tool http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility. Let us know how this goes.
Download the update and run it seems to solve.
You can also try to repair your installation through Control Panel.
Well today when I started the computer I received notice that my lenience has expired but it’s valid till Sept. 2012 now I can’t locate my activation Key. Does any one know who can help me with that.
Well today when I started the computer I received notice that my lenience has expired but it’s valid till Sept. 2012 now I can’t locate my activation Key. Does any one know who can help me with that.
If you have lost your license, see here to get it re-sent>>http://www.avast.com/resend-license-paid.php
It’s ALIVE!!! Worked secure again in the WWW World, thx all for help on this one.