avast! Pro+ users

I made a suggestion here:
I really would like to have a forum for both avast! Evangelist users and Professional version users.

I see the following advantages:

  1. Pro users could have a more reliable and faster help by experienced users.
  2. Generally, advanced help could be given or received (technically speaking).
  3. Only Pro users would have access to this feature as the Home version users do it for free.
  4. Home users would be encoraged to get the Pro version.
  5. The forum users will be guided to Evangelist level.
  6. Experienced users (Evangelists) know the protocol of the forum (friendship, helpful, etc.).
  7. The majority of the users will known each other and know the needs and how to deal with them.

The web software should be adapted to this (if it is not) and the login must check the conditions above.
I did not open a poll thread because I want to know your opinion (not only your vote) 8)

I dont like the idea of an evangelist forum. Help could be given quicker yes but is it really fair? The New users deserve help just as much as the “Regulars”. And avast pro only too? both versions suffer from the same Bugs/flaws. United states economy is really bad now and a lot of people are out of work. Some do not have the money for the Pro version. More experienced users may spend more time on this new forum than on the other Help forums

+Faster Help
+Encourage to buy Professional version

-More experienced users may spend more time on this one that the other forums that are just as important

Dear Technical,
I would rather keep it as one happy family instead of splitting it up.
Actually, I think if it’s split, the pro users would be short changed because I’m sure that most of the users have the Home addition.

I’m not complaining but will all of you give help with the incresing number of avast forum members? Sometimes I get tired :-\

Do you received necessary help? Some Pro users complain about that. I’m just trying to see in the point of view of the Pro users and Alwil (at least, I want to see in this point of view).

This is an old idea of a special workgroup inside the forums.
We won’t abandon the other users. We are just asking for fair to the Pro ones.

Have there been complaints for Pro users that they think they aren’t getting a fair shake with their help requests?

Not only this (I receive some emails about that) but also about the official support from Alwil… :frowning:

Not bad idea, not bad at all… but I really don’t understand those people who keeps complaining on avast! (Alwil) support. Those guys are always here, who can ask for more ? They respond almost immediately on every single request from their users, no matter they are newbies or more experienced users, no matter they use free Home or Pro version… Alwil is always here. No one can say different without fibbing…

…and what’s best of all… we have great opportunity to speak directly to avast! programmers, not to some “third party technical support” like those guys at Durabrand’s video receivers technical support - oh my God, they don’t even know what’s OSD stands for… (On Screen Display) ::slight_smile:

I don’t know what to say…

I guess none of them have ever had to wait for a reply from
Norton or Panda or AVG? ;D
How easily some people get spoiled…

I’m personally in favour of maintaining things as they are.

My thoughts are that this would deny all users a valuable source of information, one Pro users ‘Mail Protection’ problem is the same as an HE users ‘Mail Protection’ problem. Both users can benefit from the one answer (provided the question is the same).

I feel this would potentially cause duplication, splitting the information over more forums (yet some of it, only accessible to Pro users).

This duplication could increase the workload of posts for those volunteers to answer and may reduce the contribution to the existing forum (HE forum, if this went ahead?). By adding a Pro forum, by implication the other/current avast forum would become the HE forum and I believe that would be less well supported, because of time issues, duplication of posts, etc.


I don’t think it will be a good idea :-
Most of the avast evangilists are using HE (at least I’m :-\ :-[ ), so I thnik most of the forum users will lost interest in visiting the pro forum.
If we just can run it for a trial period to see if it will work or not ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

Perhaps they think you work for Alwil since you are so knowlegable on avast. Maybe a little - ‘avast 4 Pro user and forum member?’ in your signature to indicate that this is not your job but interest.

You’re right David, a lot of users think like that.
At the beginning, this borrowed me because I’m just an user.
Now, I think it’s OK. I just foward messages to Alwil team.
I cannot avoid this situation as I’m not a newbie in the forums ;D

From all answers I think I can consider this thread closed.
Un-official position of some Alwil members led to the same conclusion: not a good idea.
Sorry for making lose time ::slight_smile:

or they think he works for them beacuse he is a moderator

I don’t think it was a waste of time, after all this is the general forum and the thread was a genuine idea, which could benefit some users. Without such ideas being discussed we will not move forward or worse move in the wrong direction.

The forums are about a free exchange of thoughts and ideas for the benefit of users, definitely not a waste of time.


Right david,
Technical this was not a wast of time. You had a good idea just the forum members did not approve

What ever made you think that it was a bad idea?
I thought the forums where for exchanging new thoughts and Ideas???
If you have an Idea about a new service or a way to do things differently or better, this is the place to bring it out and get every ones opinions. :slight_smile:

it can be a good idea but i think that the people all using Avast!home edition

Unless Alwil is a charity with unlimited funds, I’m sure that there must be lots of paying customers.
I’m sure that Vlk and igor and all the other employees expect to be paid for theire expertise. :slight_smile:

Okey that can be true but i think that there more home users are then Pro users

No arguments there and, for the average user, the home version does and excellent job.