Avast Pro - What's included ?

Hello everyone,

I’m currently testing Avast! 4.8 Pro since 15 days and I’m really pleased with it. I’m thinking about buying it with a 3 years “Maintenance contract” but I would like to know what exactly is included in this 3 years subscription. Question may seems a bit dumb but I’ve already seen some strange software subscription plans where in fact, some major things were not included…

I think the maintenance contract covers at least a X years AV database upgrade (with X from 1 to 3 depending on contract length).

  • Does the maintenance contract also covers the update/upgrade of the program in its entirety (i.e. the whole Avast! Pro “package”)?
  • Is it limited to version 4.x ? (or the current 4.8 version than I’m interested in ?)
  • In case of a release of a new major version (i.e. version 5.X and subsequent releases) would it be possible to upgrade without any additional costs from v4.X if the maintenance contract is always valid ?

Thanks a lot! (and sorry if it seems obvious…)

Hi Endymion!

The Avast! License allows you to do any update/upgrade in the time-period you buy.
That means that if you buy the 4.8 Pro you can upgrade to 5.0 Pro (which will come later this year) for free.

There also should be a possibility to upgrade from Pro to the Avast Suite (with firewall and such things…) which will come later this year, in an inexpensive way…



Thank you very much onlysomeone for your answer. That’s good news!

I’ll wait for the end of the trial and surely buy avast!

See ya! :smiley:

Hey Endymion,

If you wanna see what Avast! 4.8 Pro is inclued feel free to go there http://www.avast.com/eng/avast-compare-home-professional.html and later there will be a security suite of it like onlysomeone said :slight_smile: