I have a laptop (Windows XP) where Avast home edition is installed.
Since yesterday, the virus database and program itself are not updating. Even manually I can’t force it to update. Yesterday, when I tried to go to a web site, I got this error at the bottom right side with yellow box saying the website has some malicious program. I got a avast pop-up box > I clicked ok. (Don’t remember what was in that box)
Since then:
Avast icon is NOT seen in the taskbar. (settings > It was showing icon display option selected)
Program is not updating (even manually)
Virus database is not updating (even manually)
Any advice how to make avast icon to be running in the taskbar and receive database and program updates?
I submitted ticket four days back. Till now no response. >:(
I tried to download F-secure. Their web site says it can change system files extentions and system may not work sometimes. I don’t have courage to use such things as I am not a computer techie to deal with them.
I can’t surf.
No avast icon.
No database updates.
Internet explorer closing down after throwing error.