My avast profile cant be updated with an image. I removed the old one, to place a new one and altough ive been trying for 5 days already, it just says “Server is not responding. Please try again later”.
Anyone else having this problem? While i know its not a priority topic, it matters to me and id like to know if its a current problem or not. Thanks.
This should probably be in the General sub-forum, “anything and everything about this board.”
I have just changed my avatar from my normal one to one of the forums actor ones (see attached image) and back again.
Hello Diogo40,
you are probably talking about changing picture directly on not here on Which is the different.
On there is known bug. Message “Server is not responding” should say something like "Your profile picture file size has to be <1mb "
So please use some smaller image.
Thank you,
Thanks for that clarification.
It will be interesting to see if this is for profile or not. I don’t put an image in account, so I have never come across this bug.