Avast Program Trouble

im new here so i dont really know where 2 put this
im having problems withe some of the programs like standard shield and p2p shield ect…
i am currently using Avast version 4.7 Pro
and have zone alarm security suite
i was going to uninstall ZA but since my standard shield is down i couldnt leave my com unprotected…
heres the prob:
when i start up my com…a notice pop up thingy will appear…saying my kaspersky thingy is on and i CANNOT have this(programs) on …
The Thing is…i uninstalled kaspersky weeks ago…
could any1 tell me the problem or help me?

First, Welcome to the forums, ;D

Second, what version of KAV was installed? If it was version 6, there’s an uninstall utility you can download at the KAV forums that might help:


You should also uninstall Avast, then wait until you’ve completely removed KAV before installing Avast.

but im not sure wat version it is :stuck_out_tongue:
i got avast when i bought this com XD
so when i uninstall it get rid of the kas then instal the Avast
can i use the same regist key thats currently on my avast?

Yes. No need for re-registering. :wink:

Run this utility to remove all traces of Kaspersky from the registry:
ICE is a US distributor for Kaspersky.
Also read more about KAV Removal Tools http://www.ice-kav.com/utilities.php

I just wanna say Thank U for all Yaz Help!!!
i tried all of ur ideas and it worked (dunno which 1 8) )
thank u!!!

I’m glad that the problem is now resolved, welcome to the forums.

Stick around and browse the forums, especially the sticky topics at the top of each of the forums, not to mention the avast help file. They provide a wealth of information to help you get the best from avast.