Avast program update alert

What is a fast way to get informed, when new Avast version is available? Avast own alerter can take many days. So, is there for example RSS-feed for Avast program update (i have not found one), or some other way.

Check back on the forum. :wink:

Somekind of alert would be better.

Hi. Enable status monitoring of program version in avast settings. It is disabled by default.

Do i need be logged in with Avast?

No, it should be in the settings :wink:

So now i get alerted? What actually is status indicator?

There is the avast blog which has reported the avast 2015 version, you could get an RSS feed for that, but it isn’t exclusively related to program releases so you would have other developments/security/interesting blog entries.

The Program Updates are spread over a cycle of two or three weeks, this is to spread the load on the update servers. With in excess of 200 million users they all can’t update at the same time - that is why you aren’t seeing it immediately.

Monitoring the avast forum you will get early notice of an impending program update when the beta phase starts.

The color of UI change then your program will be older than detected. The same if it detected your definitions to be out of date. You will definitely see it in UI main window.

Does it change immediately when new version is out, or within this 2 week cycle?

Btw, what befefits been logged in to Avast account with avast have?

Personally I don’t think this status monitoring is going to work as expected.

Avast monitors the status of many things in this case of virus database and program version - if they are out of date or there is a new program update available you would get an popup notification. But I believe this would only trigger when you get your notification in the update cycle.

As soon as it available in the server for your region etc. and detected during routine updated check. It can be a some delay too, because there is not one update server and 200 million users are getting notifications and updates step-by-step, as DavidR mentioned.

Ok, well maybe there’s no such a hurry with a new version.

Btw, what benefits been logged into Avast account with avast have?

Yes, I can confirm from my personal experience it works faster than standart push (when this setting is disabled). The color of UI informs me as soon as update cycle detects new version. Otherwise the is a delay before pop-up.

By the way, how frequently ‘Software updater’ checks servers for updates, and is there a way to change this time?

There is no real means to change the interval - avast maintains a database of programs it will check for updates, typically those at higher risk of attack/exploit and or programs that have an internet facing purpose (browsers, email programs, etc. etc.).

Avast maintains this program version database, which is update along with the virus signatures. This database checks programs on your system that are on its database and check the version you have against the latest version for the program on its database.