avast program update

im using avast 4.6 free edition on windows xp pro ive just had a program update and b4 the update had finished my pc reset itself. when i looked at avast after reset it had an error in it. and im not sure if it is the error or a virus that caused avast to crash and wipeout most of my files on my spare hd. ive re-installed avast then updated it by it just auto restarts my pc b4 the upgrade is complete.

Try to do a manual update.

wanna tell how to do a manual update plz

Welcome to the forum.
just follow the instruction in the picture:

Do you have any other antivirus in your computer? Had in the past?
Which firewall do you use?

avast! does not autorestart the computer unless you check this option in the dialog pop-up box.

I’m brand new to this forum and hope I’m in the right place. I’ve been having problems with autoupdates on my avast anti-virus. Sometimes it will update just fine and other times the red slider comes up saying the specific file can’t be found but I can update it manually just fine. And sometimes when the red slider appears and I try to update manually it says that the vps is already up to date. This is driving me crazy, can someone please help.

Welcome to forums !

First of all, until you provide more information no one will be able to help you. We don’t know anything about your computer, type of internet connection, how your Update settings are configured in your avast!.. nothing. We don’t have a crystal ball, so you have to help us, and then we can help you.

It’s not the same if you are connected through the dial-up or you’re on broadband connection, so please provide more details and I’m sure you’ll get your answers soon.

Cheers !

Edit: these are the sections where you have to look for the fix for your problems… when you tell us what kind of connection you’re on, we will tell you how to set those settings…

Click on the thumbnail to see full size screenshots


Are you talking about logon time or any automatic update?

No need to worry that much, even less driving you crazy, as you’re updated…
But, anyway, avast! is showing the red panel without reason…
Which firewall do you use?

Thanks for educating me :slight_smile: I’m using Windows xp SP2 on a broadband via cable modem. I have Avast set to update automatically. For last 3 days, the first 2 updated fine and then today got that dreaded red slide again. Have gone through every mention of Avast program listed in my Zone Alarm Pro4 program control and have allowed Avast all permissions. The red screen says “cannot find specified file” whichever file it is looking for to update it. Some days it works and some days it doesn’t, why? Need more info about my setup? Glad to share. :smiley:

No, we don’t need much more than this, but if it’s one day like this and another day like that, you should also check with your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Maybe they have sudden problems with their service. Everything is possible. Even cable connections are not invulnerable to those things, I know because I was on hi-speed cable connection year ago… Now I’m on ADSL having no problems at all.

I’m not telling you that cable is no good, it’s wonderful, but everything depends on service you are using. Are they reliable ? Who is your ISP ?

EDIT: Try unchecking the option MY COMPUTER IS PERMANENTLY CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET… both options inside that panel should be unchecked… try that first.

You say you have allowed all the avast programs, but you have probably missed the important one avast.setup, this requires internet access otherwise no updates. You may have it in the blocked programs, if so change it to allow, or delete the entry and do a manual update, this should have ZA ask for permission, allow it.

The difference is that avast.setup isn’t a permenent file it only gets compiled at the time of update (to spread server load I believe).

My ISP i Cox high speed internet. Think you may have hit the nail on the head when you talk about the Avast setup file. This make me set up and notice, seems familiar to me for some reason. I’ll try unchecking those options in the panel showing how I connect to the internet.

By the way, how does a person show whether they are male or female,

If you have a permanent connection, then this option should remain checked

Click in the buttom Profile at the top of the pages and browse the options of yours 8)

I remember we had some people having problems with that option checked… those users were ADSL users as well connected through their routers/firewalls, that means permanent connection without the dial-up, just like cable. I use exactly the same configuration except in my settings that option is checked. I never ever had problems with updates, but I simply mentioned that because I remember some people were complaining about avast! sliding red panels warning them that update can not be performed… as soon as they unchecked all those options, those red panels disappeared… no harm in trying…

Cheers !

Ok, I’ll leave it checked but then how do I solve my problem? When I turn computer on first thing in am, Avast loads first and then ZAP. My ISP has won awards for the last 3 years as being the most valued with no problems so doubt it is them. But my problem comes and goes. I can update it manually but it’s a hassel. Plus sometime when the red slide shows and I try to update it manually it says the VSP is already up to date :cry:

Just read post by tech,is ADSL the same as using a modem hooked up to a cable line? I’m not very computer knowledgable.

No it’s not but it’s quite similar in some ways…

See here:

What is the difference between ADSL and cable modems?

ADSL provides always-on high-speed Internet access over a single dedicated telephone line; cable modems offer always-on high-speed Internet access over a shared cable television line. While cable modems have greater downstream (from the Internet into the home) bandwidth capabilities,that bandwidth is shared among all users in a neighborhood, and will therefore vary, perhaps dramatically, as more users in a neighborhood get online at the same time. Cable modem upstream (from the home to the Internet) traffic will in many cases be slower than ADSL, either because the particular cable modem is inherently slower, or because too many people in a neighborhood are trying to send or receive data at the same time. The big difference between ADSL and cable modems, however, is the number of lines available to each. There are no more than 12 million homes today that can support two-way cable modem transmissions, and while the figure is growing steadily, it will not catch up with telephone lines for many years. Only about 20 percent of homes are ready for cable modems now, compared to 50 to 60 percent of homes that are ready for ADSL service. Additionally, many of the older cable networks are not capable of offering a return channel; consequently, such networks will need significant upgrading before they can offer high bandwidth services.

Just change (or add) AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds value into the [InetWD] section of avast4.ini file.
You could set the number of seconds to wait before attempting to update. The default is 30 but it may not be enough in some DSL systems. In this case, you can try increasing this e.g. to 60 (1 minute). That should be enough.

More details here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=1647

Wow, that’s a lot of info in that link. Either I 'm real tired now or either real dense. I don’t have DSL. I’m on a cable modem.

Hello again, unchecked the “is permanetly connected to the internet”. Also ran a search of Avast.setup and could not find it on my computer. Now want to go to Avast4.ini file and try changing value. Hope I don’t mess up the whole program and have to reinstall. ???

avast.setup simply doesn’t exist under that name… David meant to say aswUpdSv.exe

You should look for aswUpdSv.exe and give it permission in your firewall to connect to the net…

Never ever touch avast4.ini file if you are not 100% sure you know what you are doing. Also, before you decide to change it, make sure to make copy of that file somewhere else on your drive. In case you screw up things, you can always replace screwed up avast4.ini with the original, backed up one…

Cheers !