Avast Quick Scan very slow when scanning a single file.

Avast Quick Scan very slow when scanning a single file when I scan a movie 700mbs it takes 25 mins is this normal my PC is a 750 MHz with 512mbs RAM, windows XP withSP2 and Ashampoo firewall. should it take so long to quick scan? can anyone help

Thanks Shastus

It shouldn’t be this way… are you using the latest avast version?

How long would it take to copy the file somewhere else?

I have 4.8 Home/Pro

It would take about 7-8 Minutes to move file to another drive

I agree with you it is real slow it could be because the unpackers that avast has are not fit for use.

Don’t know what you mean by “unpackers are not fit for use” - obviously, no unpackers apply here, on a movie file.

Regarding the time… well, it is slower than I would expect, but there isn’t much you can do about it, I’m afraid. The Quick Scan is meant for scanning of single files - that’s where the name comes from. On the other hand, it uses the highest sensitivity possible (so it’s not that “quick” from that point of view) - so the whole file is scanned, from the beginning to the end - and it takes a while.
You can check the Task Manager during the scan to see how much CPU it uses during the scan. If it’s 100%, it means that it really takes that much time to process the data. If it uses less, it means that the hard disk is unable to supply the data fast enough - and the computer is waiting for the data to arrive.

Thanks Igor will check this out and let you know how I get on.