Avast recommendation program?

I was working very hard to get as much people possible to avast lately because of many reasons but one in particular, I wanted to get 3 years license for Avast! Internet security . After some months of this, today I went back to my Avast account to check my progress and its little to say that I was shocked!! WTF is karma points??? I got 15 people so far and there is no “Get your license” option instead I got “500 karma points” and I am “Avast Orange”? Can someone explain me all of this?

Frankly, I feel very bad for this. I never expected to be let down by you guys since I am using avast for years now… I was there when Avast was looking like a fucking movie player and while icon was blue.

See: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=156813.0

Thank you for replaying. If i have found this post I wouldn’t made mine in first place.

You’re welcome.