Avast Recommendations

I am a long time paying Avast customer; excellent products.

I was horrified this morning to receive an Avast News email from a ‘mailing list’. Bad.

I was even more horrified to read the mail titled ‘Here’s how to check your facts’

‘Truth or Lies’ subject headline and then an article written by some hack, Emma McGowen. She is one of totally ignorant, stupid or conflicted; maybe all 3.

Check these ‘fact checkers’ says she 'And thanks for making the internet (and the world) just a little bit better. What utter, unadulterated BS. YOU, madam, need to check out the fact checkers before hacking on your keyboard.

Snopes (was good years ago) totally compromised with 50% shareholding by Proper Media an ad agency with Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, Syngenta, Du Pont and others as their customers. Independent? Bollocks.

FactCheck sponsored by the Annenberg Public Policy Center. Check out their credentials and tell me they are ‘unbiased’. More BS.

Politifact sponsored by the Poynter Institute. Checked them as well?? Doubt it otherwise they would not be on your list. Crap.

Washington Post Fact Checker. Are you kidding me? This is total nonsense. Totally compromised comic pretending to be serious.

And then, Let’s talk Web Browsers. ‘What is a web browser?’ Are you kidding? We have Avast and dont what a Web Browser is or does? Of course, it’s a b duck grazing weed! Chrome? Google owned not compromised? WOT??? And MSoft, the great ‘sharers’ with a zillion partners sharing everything they can sell. The jury is out on Apple; let’s see what comes out of the closet in the next few months.

Sorry, Avast, you have disappointed me. I shall be watching next moves very carefully.

Was this email Newsletter really from Avast or a fake (i.e. spammer) ?

I know of her blog posts, https://blog.avast.com/author/emma-mcgowan

I have never received an email (newsletter or otherwise) from Avast, that I hadn’t initiated, which in itself is rare.