Avast! recommended by PC World NZ

Thought you all might be interested to learn that New Zealand has caught on to “our” wonderful free avast! AV prog. at last.

When I started using avast!, my friends all looked suspiciously at me and I know they didn’t trust my security. Each time I heard of a friend who’s AV failed I promoted avast! Whenever someone asked for a recommendation on the PC World NZ forum I would politely suggest they try avast! In time they saw that avast! gave good security and stopped deleting my emils! lol. Several friends now use it and more will follow now that one of our most popular magazines has endorsed it.

In a chapter called “Updating your internet security”, avast! is recommended in the “free security toolbox”. It says:

"Keep your system and data safe by using our FAVOURITE no-cost tools for securing your PC against internet evils.

avast! 4 HomeEdition; Alwil’s free app for home and non-commercial users. 8.2 MB." And a link to where it may be d/led from!

They had AVG listed under avast! (no others tho’) but most people will go for the first one!

We may be a long way Down Under but avast! is here to stay!
Happy Days!

Good news, keep spreading the word.

Well, they’ve discovered us ;D

Maximum PC also rates avast! home as the best freeware av, August 05 edition.

Good news, seems like avast! is getting more and more noticed around the world…

I must start buying PC world NZ mags :smiley:

Keep up the good work :smiley:

avast is spreading at last!