I have the latest avast free version under Vista. Avast loads fine at start-up and scans fine in real-time, but when I try and start the on-demand scanner it fails to load right away. The windows shows up and it looks like its scanning the memory before loading the main window and then it just disappears. I have to do this several times until finally on-demand scanner finally shows up.
Second problem is when it finally loads the on-demand scanner I get weird graphical glitches in the tray-icon pop-up menu. Sometimes the menu refuses to go away and stays on the screen as transparent attachment. This does not happen unless I load the on-demand scanner. I can fix the problem with the stuck menu by changing the resolution or rebooting the system but it happens again if I use the menu after loading on-demand scanner.
I have the latest patches, drivers, and minimal amount of software running.
Assistance would be appreciated. I’ve used Avast for years now and I would hate looking for a replacement.