Hi All. I am note a pc boffin. Please help with this one. I noticed that AVAST is not running on my pc. I used windows to uninstall and windows could not uninstall it. I then tried to reinstall. It is now giving me a message …
The stub cannot run installer/updater exceutable setup\sfx\instup.exe (code 0x3)
Hi, didn’t know you had an “uninstall Avast” utility. Certainly, if your program had been written properly to begin with, then one would not need such a
thing. I destroyed an “Avast Free Antivirus” installation that refused to uninstall by getting into the computer via a separate “Rescue program from
a Flash drive”, then renamed all *.DLL’s to *.DILL and all Avast exe’s to *.pixie, and then I manually removed all traces of the trash heap from
the computer and the d@mn MSFT registry. When I did that, it didn’t seem that anyone at Avast even knew about necessary special “Uninstall utility”.
It makes me wonder what you guys are thinking sometimes. Really, more foresight, more artificial intelligence please!