Avast Renewal

Hello, my avast 5.0 Pro is coming to and end and i’ve got the renewal notice. 30 percent off. What sense does that make whan i can get 2 years for the price as 1 as a new customer. That’s makes no sense to me. Of course i’m gonna continue, well worth it, but the numbers don’t make sense.

oh yes, you guys don’t get enough credit, Avast 5 is a wonderful product, very big improvement over 4.8

Then purchase the 2 years for the price of one option, I don’t believe you are forced to take the renewal 30% offer.

Though don’t take my word for it in case there really is a way of checking that it is for ‘new customers’ only, which I can only guess is based on email address. If so you could purchase a license using a different one. But you should contact sales @ avast . com and confirm one way or another.

If you can purchase the 2years for the price of one offer, then that would be the way to go. I don’t know if all you would need to do is just enter the new license file or if you would have to do a clean reinstall and then enter the new license file.

How to register avast 5 pro on page 7 - 8
http://files.avast.com/files/documentation/quick-start-guide-pro-en-ww.pdf also see http://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=475.

the second link you gave is for avast free

Her is the one for avast pro

Thanks for that I had the two the wrong way round on my notes.

You’re welcome, though I don’t work for Avast Software, I’m just an avast user like yourself, so it might be worth dropping sales an email.