Avast report file of Webshield


my question is: to view the history of sites blocked by the webshield one can go and have a look at the report file in the User Interface of Avast. One can also go to Appdata>Avast Software and look for the .txt file (in the subfolder report).

Is the information given in both files identical (relating to the blocked URLs)?

Thank You

Not identical, the information in the UI Shield log is extracted from the WebShield.txt file, the date time of the detection isn’t given in the in the Shield log. But the shield log just makes it easier to see the contents (important bits) of the webshield.txt file.

I also don’t know if the shield logs goes back as far as the webshield.txt file does. My webshield.txt file goes back to February 27th and there are entries (detections) in there that are not in the UI shield log. So the information extracted from the webshield.txt file must have a time frame restriction, I don’t know what that is.

From 27 Feb 2012, I have 39 in the webshield.txt file (from testing stuff from the viruses and worms forum) and only 4 displayed in the UI shield log. The entries that are displayed in the UI shield log only go back to the start of this month 01 Sept 2012. So it may be that it only displays the current month.