Avast Report: Win 8.1.1 (aka Spring Update & Win 8.1 Update)

Hello all,

I recently did a clean install (6 days ago) using the Technet ISO and I am happy to report that I have found “0” Avast issues while running v2014.9.0.2016 (def 140407-0). All appears to be well as far as compatibility is concerned (at least on my rig). Hopefully, those obtaining the 8.1.1 update via Windows Update will not have any issues as well.

For the record, a clean install of 8.1.1 is possible on either an OEM or retail installation of Windows 8.0 using the following Technet ISO:

File Name: en_windows_8.1_with_update_x64_dvd_4065090.iso
Languages: English
SHA1: 4652DC6EBFEBE02C6A63E167C36E3FAEDFB93999

Note the above is the x64 version. There is also a x32 version available as well.

The clean install method I used involved the use of the “generic keys” (for Win 8.1.1 Core and Pro) to complete the clean installs and then “activating” those completed installations using my “genuine” Win 8.0 OEM and retail keys respectively.



Thanks for the info - would you suggest I remove avast first, then update and reinstall after? Where abouts in the world are you, as I’m in the UK and still waiting for the update?

Hi NASA84,

I live in the Eastern USA and I expect the Win 8.1 Update will be available about 11am EST. However, in my case, I do not expect to receive any notification via Windows Update because I have already installed it via the Technet ISO but that could change if MS decided to update beyond the previously released Technet version. Right now, I am running this version:


However, there are rumors that a more recent version has already been spotted in the wild (9600.17041.amd64fre.winblue_gdr.140221-1952) but I have never received any confirmation of same so it will be interesting to see if I do get an update notification as well.


I (personally) see no need to do so; however, there are many Avast experts here that might want to chime in with their thoughts as well.

FYI, I did get a minor update but mine was much smaller than the 900mb update that others are now installing. Anyway, it did update my build to this:


Good luck to all,


I have just taken the update and I had to reboot twice as once it had completed my system locked… A further reboot cured it

No problems here too.

Just installed a few hours ago.
Also no issues with Avast.

I disabled Avast, and then installed all the Windows 8.1 updates without trouble.

Note to Windows 8.1 users: The Windows 8.1 update 1 is mandatory as far as Microsoft is concerned. You won’t get security updates in the future if you don’t install the update.

However, Windows 8 (without 8.1), or the first version of Windows 8 will be supported with security updates until October 2015.

I know the details are odd, just install all your updates and you will be fine.

First time the install failed for me so a reboot and retry finished the job and now all is good :slight_smile:

Note that the update has reduced the MBAMService usage by more than half for me " 49Mb down from 128Mb " so there appears to be some nice performance benefits included.

I think they have have reduced the system requirements from 2 to 1 GB RAM and to about 16 GB of Disk Space.

That would then explain my average memory usage dropping from 11% down to 7% ;D

Mine went from 1.9 to 1.5 when idle.

Its now at 2.3 GBs with Chrome open.

I would like to know what they have to offer for Win 9 and what Avast is giving out in Avast 2015, i
would like to know if there will be issues.

My Uncle is still at Win 7 and hes running Avast IS(3 years license i think) and MBAM together.

900mb? It was only 75mb for me.

Its the Windows 8.1 Update 1, youre running Win 7 which only gets security fixes and has less size.

I had about 700 Megs to download.

For me Idle is 1.1 and 2 tabs open in IE is 1.2, this is obviously related to what other processes you may have running also - I run a fairly tight ship and anything that doesn’t have to run constantly doesn’t but I’m more than happy with the 4% drop in RAM I am getting.

I dont know why its so high compared to others here with With Win 7 Max. 750 Mb and 1.2 GB RAM also Win 7 32-Bit

I have 2 Apps, 25 Windows processes and 35 Background processes running. Also everything off thats not needed.

Mine was 919.3mb and 879mb of that was the W8.1.1 update. :slight_smile:

Here are a few screenshots of the task manager on the system idle with nothing running.

No, I’m talking about the Win 8.1 update 1 on my other Win 8.1 machine The update download was 75.7mb. That was for Win 8.1 Pro 32 bit.

Scratch that. I forgot that I had downloaded the 4 needed patches as standalone installers and manually installed them before the update became available on WU. The total size was 656mb. When I then checked back on WU, I had 2 more updates that totaled 75.7mb.

I got impatient when it hit 3PM and the update wasn’t on WU yet :slight_smile:

It now shows as this;
