Avast reports a False positive on our software.
Result is that application gets deleted on our customer computers.
It’s a point of sale software and you cannot believe what happens if you have a point of sale without POS software. This is very annoying!
So i tried to report the False positive but webform sucks, after submitting nothing happens, no possibility to contact you.
Or am i miss something?
You can use mail
send to virus@avast.com in a password protected zip file
mail subject: False Positive / undetected sample (select subject according to your case)
zip password: infected
Hopefully this is Endpoint Protection, and hopefully you are using the avast! management console, then you can easily create a “global exclusion” for the group, and in less than 5 minutes, you are done. If you are NOT using Endpoint, you should be, as this is what it is for.
If you are using the consumer grade avast! (like Pro), then you will have to create the global exclusion, and touch each system.
J.R. “AutoSandbox Guy” Guthrie
“At this point in time, the Internet should be regarded as an Enemy Weapons System!”
…hopefully you are using the avast! management console…
You misunderstand. I’m not a consumer but software producer/vendor. My customers use avast.
I used remote session to disable the product to get the customer working again.