Avast reports sim change every time phone booted

I have Avast anti theft installed on Galaxy S3 and S2 phone.

Both phones are rooted. The SMS launchers are stock for the phones (ie. No message launching apps used)

Every time the phone is booted a message is sent to the friend phone.

How can this be prevented, it is only supposed to notify “Sim Changes”??


I had the same issue. Try to enter Anti-Theft either through avast! settings or through calling to your avast! password. The current SIM will be added to the list of trusted ones.
In my case the second reason was that my phone was marked as LOST in web portal(i’ve tested the feature some weeks ago and i suppose it should be unmarked as soon as i enter correct password on my phone,but it won’t)

Do you have SIMless phone?

Is there any effective way to protect a SIMless phone?

This is fixed in next update. If no SIM is trusted yet, no untrusted SIM will be detected (as there is no scheme to compare against).

So, seems to be able to use antitheft in wifi tablets this way. Am I understanding correctly? Could it be managed by the web portal then?


Please contact me at holzner (at) avast.com i got a test build for you.


got nothing :frowning:

Sent again.

davey49au do you want to try new build?